Saturday, February 18, 2012

Impacting Bogota

First of all I have to apologize once again for my absence for a few weeks. Between starting the semester, moving, and work I have been crazy busy! I'm not making excuses just being honest.

We have been able to move into an apartment just this week! Thank you Jesus! With a very gracious gift from a friend we were able to put furniture into the house to make it livable. We were able to get a washing machine, refrigerator, beds, sofa/cama, curtains, and the odds and ends necessary for living. The apartment has a 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and an office. This has been such a blessing to Oscar and I and confirmation from God that The Road to Bogota Ministries is where it needs to be. It also told me God has plans for me to be in Bogota for an extended period of time. Dave and Gail from OHI are also staying with us when they are in Bogota, which is quite frequently. Its nice to get some ministry advice from someone more experienced and honestly its nice to spend time with fellow Americans that are here for the same cause and speak a little English. The idea is to make the extra room here available for families that are in the processes of adoption to try and cut some prices where we can. The price is high but with God's help we will find a way to lower costs and help His children find families. Thats another reason we have 2 sofa/camas; to house a few more people. This is a house of ministry and in Jesus name the people coming in and out of this house will be impacting Bogota in such a way it will spread to other cities and after other countries. I remember getting the opportunity when I was in about 5th or 6th grade to go to a camp with TBarM. I remember the counselor telling my mom one day I would impact lives and possibly many lives. At the time I never dreamed of this. I still don't understand why God has been so good to me. People ask what my work is and sometimes I just smile and say, "I work for the King." Often times my work is just laying in the grass and talking, playing soccer, playing Uno, or something as simple as listening. My job here is to love. I was given a Fathers heart a few years back and I understand why I have that now. I am here simply to love His children and through that these children are finding hope and faith in the Father. Again its such a blessing to witness this and be on His front lines first hand. As I have been studying this week I came upon a passage that really made me thing. In Luke 17:7-10, Jesus tells His disciples a story on being a servant. Jesus says to His followers, "Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, 'Come along now and sit down to eat'? Would he not rather say, 'Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink?' Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'" As I have been reflecting on this passage I am not as "awesome" or "radical" as people have told me. I am simply doing as my Master has told me. He told me sell all I own and come to Bogota. He reveals new work for me day by day. He deserves the glory not myself; as His Word says, "I am an unworthy servant doing my duty." I am taking a class now in seminary based on being and building servant leaders. As leaders we should be the greatest servant and see ourselves as the least among people. Its been a big confirmation in my life because here I often put myself last and do it lovingly.

Now I'm sure everyone wants to here about the kids. They are still just as great. Last week I had a little 8 year old girl jump into my arms and tell me, "I don't know you but I want to." My heart just crushed and I held her for quiet a while after that. Its such a blessing to have them come running to me knowing I am there to just love on them at the least. I get to spend great time with Sofia, the God daughter of my parents, and her best friend Laura, the God daughter of great friends of mine. They together are too much but such a blast. A few weekends ago we were able to take the girls out of the house for some time with us. They got to see a movie and loved it. Sofia had never seen an elevator or even been on one. Needless to say that occupied her and Laura for about 20 min going up and down the emergency elevator in the move theater. The next day we took them shopping. Both of these girls really don't have much, so we bought them what they needed. Now both of these girls are very selfless so after the yes its ok to buy necessities when they are needed talk, they got going. Sofia got shoes, a backpack, and all the girly lotion, shampoo, etc. she could need. She was a little embarrassed but so grateful. She told my Godmother, "my mom has never spent 100,000 pesos (aprox. $50) on me. When Chris paid 500,000 pesos (aprox. 250) for things I needed I was embarrassed because this is the first time anyone has ever taken care of me like that or even loved me like that." Now I have to put on a tough guy front with these girls and I won't cry in front of them, but many nights I go into my room and cry and pray for their hurts. I have often asked God to take their hurts and put them on me. Its very hard to see these girls hurt and if I could take their hurt and pain and see them smile, I would gladly do it. That afternoon I went into my room and cried at just those words. That same day we took them bowling. Something else neither of them have been able to experience. That was such a great time seeing those girls learn to bowl and laugh and joke as they threw it down the gutter over and over. I have also got to spend a lot of time with my Goddaughter Louisa. I now understand the statement, "when tough little boys grow up to be dads they turn into big babies again." Now Louisa isn't my daughter but I love her as I would imagine loving my own. I was blessed with the opportunity to help her learn to walk. I spent weeks of walking her around the house and even a day at Santa Maria with her holding my finger. About two weeks ago, I showed up to the house and she came walking with arms wide open up to me, showing all 8 of her teeth! I wanted to cry but I scooped her up as she gave me slobbery kisses. She is defiantly spoiled rotten already. She knows when I come I will either have a lollipop or a little chocolate for her and she looks for it. She also loves the phone so she now has a princess Blackberry and its great fun watching her "talk" on it.

I will be leaving to go back to Texas for two weeks next Sunday and honestly I have mixed emotions about it. I can't wait to see friends and family and I know I have to meet with certain people and also raise funds and awareness so I can continue living here. I am working with a foundation but they cannot pay me and I live completely on faith and other peoples donations to my ministry. On the other hand, I will be without my children for 2 weeks. Thats hard for me but I know Oscar will be taking great care of them and keeping me updated! Thank you Jesus for internet! Until next time friends, God bless you all and thank you for your prayers and financial support!

From His Front Lines,


1 comment:

  1. Love you brother and I love your posts except I can hardly read them through the tears. God is good.
