Sunday, November 20, 2011

El Amor De Un Padre

This has been a very busy week for me.  Tuesday my roommate and translator went out of town for a few weeks.  At first I was a little worried but my Spanish has taken off this week...Thank you Jesus! Tuesday morning I worked with the older kids at Casa Egresso with homework.  We attempted a English class but it ended up them questioning me and me working on Spanish! It was actually a perfect time for me though.  I was able to share with them my past and where I came from.  They didn't realize I was just like them; that I have struggled with some of the same problems.  I would say Tuesday some new friendships were established with the youth in Casa Egresso.  Everyday I am becoming one of them. A friend, a teacher, and a mentor to all of the young men and women in that home.  That afternoon I went to teach my class of girls across the street at San Miguel.  Honestly, I love hearing "PROFE" as the door opens.  I actually hear this every time I walk into the house to eat or visit.  Its a great feeling knowing that in only a month I have impacted the lives of these children.  They anticipate my return for class and practice certain words so they can impress me with their English! We worked on basic introductions.  All the girls introduced themselves, their age and date of birth.  This day we discovered our next class should be on numbers and the pronunciation.

Wednesday and Friday I spent the entire days at Casa Egresso helping Jose.  He had meetings with various other directors and needed help monitoring the house and keeping it under some sort of control.  Once again it was a great time for me to talk with the young men and women there about what God has done in my life and why I'm now living in Colombia.  They can't believe I am here for them and the children of FMN.  I wouldn't call this job work because we all have so much fun! Everyday I thank Jesus for allowing me to work for Him and not corporate America.

Thursday I once again spent the day with my Goddaughters at Santa Maria.  Waking up at 5 am is rough but so worth it. Oscar wasn't with me to help this time and it turned into a long day! I ran and played and ran and played with the princessita house that morning.  The girls didn't understand that I don't have the energy they have and many times that day I said, "no tengo enerjia!" I was able to accompany Doraine and the girls to school this week for the first time.  As the girls were in class I sat in the office with the other teachers and shared a little about my life.  As 430 got closer my eyes got heavier! Doraine was ready to go and so was I, so I told all the girls goodbye and we got onto the next bus to Bogota.  About 10 min into this trip I think both of us were asleep!  That night I got home and ate dinner and showered and went to bed.  I couldn't remember the last time i was asleep at 730 but these girls are def worth the sacrifice of all I have.

This past week the love of a father has really been on my heart.  I have always wondered how great the love of our God really is.  I think the closest we can come here on Earth is the love of our children.  I have prayed for a few years now for children of my own. I prayed for one or two but God gave me about 400.  I have a few here that are very dear to my heart, a few that I love and look at as my own children.  When they hurt I hurt; when they are sad I am sad.  My girls got in trouble for bad behavior this week and Thursday they aren't allowed to play with me.  I have been asked to talk with them about their behavior and bring them no surprises.  This really breaks my heart but must be done.  The love I have for these children doesn't even compare to the love my Father has for me.  I wish I could grasp the depths of His love but its just so much on Earth we never will.  I think about having to give on of my children up and I know I couldn't.  He did.  I am so grateful to serve such a mighty King.  I look back on where I came from and where I was saved from and I am still in awe!

Two years ago today, well by the time most read this today, I made the best decision of my life.  I decided to put down the bottle and follow Christ.  Have I failed him? Yes I have; we all do. But I have taken the hand I was dealt and decided to use my life for His cause and not my own.  When I sat in the lobby of Celebration Church that morning I asked for help.  Alcohol had a hold on my life and was leading me into destruction.  I asked God for help and His response was simple; "Follow me." So I did.  I messed up still. I made mistakes still but I followed Him. Never in a million years did I think He would tell me to leave home but He did.  I am now living in a country very different from home.  A country that I constantly have to look over my shoulder as I walk.  I have to learn a new language and a new way of life.  Here I have nothing. I don't have a car or my own house; I don't even have a job with a paycheck.  But what I do have the love of a Father to share with hundreds of kids that are searching for love. Kids that will give anything to receive that love.  God will provide everything else I need here, I'm not worried about it at all.  He even comforts me as I miss home.  When I left everything, I literally left everything.  Today was my mother's birthday. It was very hard to not hug my mother and kiss her. It was hard to not be there to make this day special for her. She brought me into this world so I could work for my Father and she continually prayed as I was away from the Lord.  Thursday my family and friends will celebrate Thanksgiving.  This holiday isn't celebrated in Colombia and will be my first away from my family.  The thought of Christmas without my family is heartbreaking as well but every time my heart breaks and my eyes tear up, God provides.  My spiritual mother here wraps me up and tells me how much of a blessing I am to the foundation.  These are all things I never anticipated when I said, "I will follow" but I wouldn't change any of it for the world.  I love what I'm doing and I love where I'm at.  God is taking care of me and everything else while I enjoy my daily work for Him! I will continue to "love the least of these" with all I have! These children all have my heart and I am thankful for everyone of them!

From His Front Lines,


Monday, November 14, 2011

Tu Eres Para Mi

Well first off I must apologize for this being so late! After spending an entire day with these kiddos and an amazing dinner by my Spiritual Mother, Nelda, I am ready for bed! You know, I worked harder in the U.S. but I'm more tired after a day of work here in Bogota; I think it's because here I'm giving these kids everything I have, everyday!

Since my last post big things have been happening here.  On Friday Nov 4, Oscar and I woke up and decided to go visit the babies of San Miguelito.  Upon our arrival we found out that the house was at Futbol con Corozon but the expecting mothers and new mothers were home.  After a quick strategy planning, we decided to share a little Word from God with them.  I shared with the girls that I once had made many mistakes and the things God has delivered me from.  They were all so surprised to hear I came from a life of violence and drugs.  I told them in no way am I proud of this past but God has used it to His advantage! We studied Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." We shared with them that the day that God created them in His eyes they were perfect, and still are! This produced some big smiles considering their situations.  I assured them that God still does love them and thinks of them everyday. That He will not quit on them and will continue to perfect His good works.  After we were done we had 2 girls with many questions, Claudia and Jouanna. They weren't sure if God still cared for them and after a discussion and assurance through Scripture these two young ladies made the best decision of their lives; they decided they were daughters of the King and accepted Christ as their savior.  They want to raise their soon to be born children in a Godly way and under His eye. My heart was bursting with joy I have to admit! Their decision gave me extra hope and extra strength for my work here in Bogota.

I'm going to fast forward this story for a week, it gets better! When we left the first Friday, the girls asked when we would be back. We returned the next Friday morning and the girls were all ready to study the bible.  We shared Matthew 4 and assured them temptation is a MUST but sin in the option.  They now understand the closer they are the our Father the more the enemy will try to tempt them. They understand it is then that you must stand in His faith and strength and they will prevail! After this message we had a few more questions.  Some of the girls began sharing Scripture they like. As this was happening my heart was smiling so big my face had to show it! This day we had 10 more girls decide to be "hijas de Dios"!  They even asked for Bibles with the new and old testament so they can continue to study! In this time all I could say was, "Thank you Jesus!" We are winning souls for the Kingdom and our faithfulness is bearing its first fruits!

Since the last post, I've been able to visit Santa Maria, the home my "ahijadas viven", a few times. Seeing my girls run to me with arms wide open is a unexplainable feeling! We go for the morning and help Pastor Lucas share a short message and a few worship songs with each of the houses there at the institution.  After we are done we have a few hours to play with the girls.  I can tell you this, on the bus ride home Oscar and I SLEEP! I have no idea where all their energy comes from but they have so much! Vanessa and Angie always send hugs and kisses with Doraine, the wife of Pastor Lucas, because they know I see her pretty often. I never knew the love of a child could change your perspective on life. The girls needed shoes, theirs were torn and worn out. I went and bought them each a new pair and the smiles on their faces were a great feeling! On the first visit Oscar had his heart broken by a little girl! He now understands the way I felt and why I had to return to Colombia. Since that day he always talks about his ahijada, Mayeili!

The love from these children is unexplainable. Their smiles are worth every sacrifice made. The next visit we showed up with hair bows and a bunch of girly hair things for them. They were ecstatic! To be able to make their day with such a small gesture of love was amazing! I love being able to see my girls every week and although the walk to their home is about a mile down a muddy road, its so worth it! We barely make it through the gate before the girls are sprinting across the field to be the first to hug us! Angie never smiles for pictures but I caught her this time!

We visited one of the emergency centers and once again found most of the children would be viewing a movie.  There were some that were left behind due to poor behavior and they asked if we would conduct an English class for them.  I am no very sorry to every teacher I've ever had for being a horrible student! The kids were precious but I think I learned more Spanish than they did English. We constantly told them to sit down and stop hitting each other! It was definitely an experience to remember! We did have two students though that were very eager to learn English and they stood in the front of the room with me soaking in every bit; they even helped me with my Spanish verbs! Being able to help these children is amazing! I don't receive a paycheck for it but what I do receive is eternal and something that cannot be taken from me!
Most of my classes start with pronunciation of the letters in our alphabet.
I spend a lot of time visiting Casa de Egreso. This is the half way house here in Bogota. I typically help them with their English homework in small groups but this past week we decided to have a class. The kids that were home attended and it was very good! These older kids are eager to learn and participate! We started with pronunciation of the alphabet and all of us sang the ABC song! We then worked on informal conversation. They all were asked their name, age, where they were from and hobbies and answered in English very well! Then they had small conversations with one another in English.

I have been able to spend the most time at San Miguel with the girls there teaching English. We have studied days, months, body parts, kitchen, and of course clothes! To be honest these classes make my heart burst with joy! I am by no means an English teacher but we have so much fun learning; who would have known that is possible?! We had our first test last week in the form of jeopardy! We put some words in English and some in Spanish.  They had to say the word in the opposite language and if they could spell it correctly they got extra points.  The girls absolutely loved it and for the first time we had the attention of every single student and their teachers! The game got very serious and was a close game but The Iguanas came out on top! Unfortunately we were so into the game that we didn't get any pictures :(

I also got to experience "microfutbol".  Its played on a concrete field with smaller goals and the field is smaller. The teams are made up of 5 players and the ball is a little heavier so it doesn't bounce. This was very new to me but so much fun! After not playing for 5 years, I actually still could play goal keeper.  I think the best part of it was we played with all of the young people in both local churches here in Bogota! Being able to fellowship with them was awesome! We are in the process of making a informal youth hangout weekly. Whether it be a movie, dinner, soccer, or a bible study we will get together weekly just to fellowship with one another!
Friday night 11/11/11, I got to experience God in a BIG way here in Bogota.  Hillsong United came and performed at Simon Bolivar park. It was an outdoor concert and to be a part of this worship was amazing! I would estimate about 40,000 people were in attendance here and the rain didn't affect anyone! It was very motivating to see so many people worship in this city. To look across the crowd and see hands raised and tears flowing was so humbling! I am so thankful for this country and the work God is doing here! I am so glad that God has cut me into the action!

The next thing that really touched my heart here was a little girl named Kimberly. She is two weeks old, yes TWO weeks, and without a mother or father. It brought tears to my eyes; this little girl is absolutely beautiful. I took her out of her crib and began to hold her. I fed her, burped her, and put her back to sleep. All the mothers were so impressed that I could do that! They joked that I should take her in my backpack to my house. I wish it was that easy! To see such a beautiful creation of our Father with nothing is very heartbreaking and humbling. I do believe I will visit San Miguelito more frequently now to love on this precious little girl!

Here in Colombia, God has provided! I have many new friends and new family! I have cooked here a few times and they love Texas! haha! I am very thankful God has given me such a great support system here on this side of the battlefield also. I have a Spiritual Mother so close to God that stands very firm in her faith. I have brothers and sisters with a heart for Christ that are teaching me the culture of Bogota. I have friends that talk with God daily and involve Him in every decision. I don't think I could have imagined a better support system but I have it! Here is my family here in Colombia...
The girls watching us play soccer

Jair and I at the Halloween festival
Camila, Nelda, and I at church

Pastor Doraine and myself at church

My Godmother, Nelda and myself

My brother and sister, Oscar and Camila helping me cook

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

These are My Roots

After my last post I received many comments about how amazing the things I am doing are. As much as I appreciate them I have to clear a few things up. I am doing nothing! I am simply walking in the life that God has called me to. The things I am doing are simply service to the Kingdom. As I said I really do appreciate the support and comments but I do have to pay my respects to where they come from, my Savior in Heaven, Jesus Christ.

I have a family that never gave up. When I was walking in the world my family stayed in the WORD. They continually prayed for me and stood in faith knowing that "the prodigal son" would return home. They prayed Psalm 23:6 over me daily. "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  My father showed me what it was like to walk from darkness into light.  When I needed a man of God to look up to, he stood in the light. As a father, he extended his arm to help his child in need.  He taught me that addiction can be beaten and it will no longer have a place in my life.  That a life with God is far better than anything man can give me.  He showed me how to walk by faith and though God, he formed me into the man I am today.  My mother stood in faith when the odds were stacked against me.  As much as I rebelled and hurt her, she continued to love me; much like our Father loves us no matter where we are in our lives.  She believed I would return home and her faithfulness proved right. For parents with wayward children, I say this: stand firm and in faith! In God's time they will serve Him just as you. I am a living testimony that people can change in God's time.  I have a sister that continually prayed and told me she loved me. She told me she wanted me to be better and knew one day I would be. As horrible as I was I knew I had to change for her. I knew I had to be a better example and finally it hit home.  My brother prayed for me daily. His youth group did as well. Although he can take care of himself, he needed an older brother to look up to and I was being a horrible example. God spoke to me and I was never the same.  Many times we often overlook the people that stood in the gap when we needed them and I have to admit I have as well. This is for my family that believed I would serve our King, that stood in faith knowing I would come home, and that knew I would be a part of changing this dark world. These are my roots and this is what I love...

With the support of my family this new journey in my life has been possible. My parents each helped nonstop with my preparation to leave.  They both practically picked up another full time job for this to happen. As I am in Bogota serving our King, they are at home doing the same. The Road to Bogota must be paved and without my family back at home this would not be possible.  They have made it possible I can love on God's beautiful children. They have made it possible for me to live James 1:27. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

These children are ALL mine and consume my heart! Matthew 25:40 says, "The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me." These children have showed me the love of God like I have never felt and I will continue to love them with the best of my life. I have dedicated my life to this ministry and whether it bears fruit while I am here on Earth or I see it from the throne room of Heaven, I will serve with all I have. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37.

From His Front Lines,

Chris Poole
James 1:27

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Regrets

I have been in Bogota for a little over a week now.  It feels like home. Everything feels PERFECT.  I have to admit, coming here I was very worried. I left everything and stepped out in faith that things would fall into place when I arrived.  My faith told me everything will be fine but the world told me have fear, and it was a constant battle the entire last week in the United States. 

The first few days I stayed in the club with the board of OHI and visited various institutions and schools. The first day I got to spend the morning with Vanessa.   When we arrived at Santa Maria, Shoby stepped off the bus telling me he saw a familiar face. As I stuck my head out of the bus, I see her dart from the window and down the stairs.  That initial embrace is unexplainable. The smile on her face and the embrace of her little arms were worth every sacrifice I made.  I wish I would have captured her smile when I told her I know live in Bogota and will see her weekly! This smile isn't even close:
The rest of the afternoon was a lunch and a meeting with Don Jose Vincente, my new boss and the director of Fundacion Por un Mundo Nuevo. It was very interesting to sit in on a meeting between the board and Don Vincente, especially when my opinion was asked and thought about. It made me feel more than a volunteer.  He has asked me to help teach the children of San Miguel and Casa Egresso English, while they of course help me with my Spanish!  Believe it or not my Spanish gets much better daily. My family here in Colombia says in about 2 months I will have no problem! That's DEFINITELY a refresher!  The next day we visited a place I never could have imagined. It is in the foothills of Bogota and called Altos de Cazuca. It was very humbling.  These people live in huts, literally tin huts.  The size of these huts made my 600 sq ft apartment look like a mansion. It was heart breaking to see children and families have to live this way. We were able to pray with a young mother of two. She was forced to rent another home in fear that her home now would be victim to one of the many mudslides in this area. These mud slides level homes leaving nothing! She could barely afford the home she had, let alone another one. She said her average income for a month was aprox 50,000 pesos. To put this into better perspective, that's about $25 dollars per month. Lets just say God answered her prayers!
Shortly after viewing the School of CDA in Cazuca and viewing the city itself we arrived at the girls home of CDA. Now to my understanding, these girls were taken from there homes due to poor living conditions, such as abuse and things to this extent. This was a institution I have never visited but the girls were PRECIOUS! Actually, precious is an understatement!

This was my last day with OHI. The next morning, I arrived at the office of Don Vincente.  He took me to San Miguel and after lunch I started working. My first class was girls probably 13-16. There was about 50 and every one of them is eager to learn more English! At the end of each class they always ask when I will return. To visually see the impact I have on these children is a blessing! I often joke that its not fair to others that this is my job. But it is, I took the steps of faith and was rewarded for taking those steps. Everyone has often asked me when will I leave. Honestly, 2 or 3 years probably will not be enough. Colombia is becoming my new home and I may not return to the United States for good anytime soon. I have completely fallen in love with Gods children here in Colombia. The children nobody wanted, the children that were abused, and the children of these institutions are all my children and I love them dearly, ALL of them! Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of my classes. We have too much fun trading out English for Spanish it has slipped my mind!

God has placed me into a great Godly family here in Colombia.  I have been living with Nelda, a great woman of God. I already consider her my spiritual mother here in Colombia! Oscar, her nephew, has been taking care of me. He has been greatly helping with my Spanish and showing me the culture of Bogota. We all have a good time in the evening laughing and joking about the day. A lot of the jokes are based on my Spanish but it's all good fun!

I got to spend Halloween with ALL of the children of FMN at San Gabriel.  We had a giant festival for the children and they all had costumes! Some were pirates, butterflies, ladybugs, bees, and other various costumes. We had food, fun, entertainment, and most of all it was all focused on Christ! It was amazing to see the children happy, even based on there conditions. It was a blessing to know that these children look up to me and I am impacting their lives. As I walked through the crowds at the festival, all of the children wanted high fives and hugs and nearly all of them came and said "choa Chris!" Little things like this make this transition so easy. It was worth leaving everything and I would do it again, given the chance!

From His Front Lines,
