Wednesday, November 2, 2011

These are My Roots

After my last post I received many comments about how amazing the things I am doing are. As much as I appreciate them I have to clear a few things up. I am doing nothing! I am simply walking in the life that God has called me to. The things I am doing are simply service to the Kingdom. As I said I really do appreciate the support and comments but I do have to pay my respects to where they come from, my Savior in Heaven, Jesus Christ.

I have a family that never gave up. When I was walking in the world my family stayed in the WORD. They continually prayed for me and stood in faith knowing that "the prodigal son" would return home. They prayed Psalm 23:6 over me daily. "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  My father showed me what it was like to walk from darkness into light.  When I needed a man of God to look up to, he stood in the light. As a father, he extended his arm to help his child in need.  He taught me that addiction can be beaten and it will no longer have a place in my life.  That a life with God is far better than anything man can give me.  He showed me how to walk by faith and though God, he formed me into the man I am today.  My mother stood in faith when the odds were stacked against me.  As much as I rebelled and hurt her, she continued to love me; much like our Father loves us no matter where we are in our lives.  She believed I would return home and her faithfulness proved right. For parents with wayward children, I say this: stand firm and in faith! In God's time they will serve Him just as you. I am a living testimony that people can change in God's time.  I have a sister that continually prayed and told me she loved me. She told me she wanted me to be better and knew one day I would be. As horrible as I was I knew I had to change for her. I knew I had to be a better example and finally it hit home.  My brother prayed for me daily. His youth group did as well. Although he can take care of himself, he needed an older brother to look up to and I was being a horrible example. God spoke to me and I was never the same.  Many times we often overlook the people that stood in the gap when we needed them and I have to admit I have as well. This is for my family that believed I would serve our King, that stood in faith knowing I would come home, and that knew I would be a part of changing this dark world. These are my roots and this is what I love...

With the support of my family this new journey in my life has been possible. My parents each helped nonstop with my preparation to leave.  They both practically picked up another full time job for this to happen. As I am in Bogota serving our King, they are at home doing the same. The Road to Bogota must be paved and without my family back at home this would not be possible.  They have made it possible I can love on God's beautiful children. They have made it possible for me to live James 1:27. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

These children are ALL mine and consume my heart! Matthew 25:40 says, "The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me." These children have showed me the love of God like I have never felt and I will continue to love them with the best of my life. I have dedicated my life to this ministry and whether it bears fruit while I am here on Earth or I see it from the throne room of Heaven, I will serve with all I have. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37.

From His Front Lines,

Chris Poole
James 1:27

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